mid-term election

美 [mɪd tɜːrm ɪˈlekʃn]英 [mɪd tɜːm ɪˈlekʃn]
  • 中期选举
mid-term electionmid-term election
  1. American Diplomacy after the Mid-term Election : the Changed and Unchanged


  2. If China does not budge , the level of the renminbi could yet become a mid-term election issue .


  3. Mid-term Election May Slow Down US Efforts to Promote Free Trade


  4. The president also will make mid-term election campaign stops in Iowa and Michigan .


  5. As the mid-term election looms , a staggering number of Americans remain unemployed or underemployed .


  6. This rapidly darkening outlook is why Ms Fern á ndez brought forward the mid-term election , due in October .


  7. With the mid-term election immiment , the political issues of the election have again become the priority for Barack Obama 's party .


  8. In the run-up to todays mid-term election , observers of American politics have lamented that the nations political landscape is more divided than ever .


  9. The surge , faster than expected , will bring a welcome momentum , but also the suspicion that it is intended to show results before the2010 American mid-term election .


  10. A new national poll by the Pew Center for the People and the Press found that independent voters who are likely to vote in the mid-term election favor Republicans .


  11. Chris Lee , the Republican who had represented the district since 2008 , won a whopping 74 % of the vote at the 2010 mid-term election .


  12. The story ends by stating : 'as the mid-term election is coming up in fall we cannot rule out a possibility that Toyota 's quality issue is going to become a political issue .


  13. In the southern states of Louisiana and Mississippi , two key seats also fell to Democrats . At the same time , since the 2006 mid-term election , Republicans leaving Congress , either retiring or running for higher office , outnumber Democratic departures by a margin of 29 to six .
